After designing Brazil's first 100% recycled PET bottle, Guaraná Antarctica decided to recycle surf, developing a board with 756 PET bottles. To launch it, we created a film that goes backwards. The board was used by Gabriel Medina, a Brazilian surf icon. We also did a partnership with Rip Curl to launch an ecological apparel collection of our campaign.
F/Nazca Saatchi&Saatchi
Role: Creative, Art Direction and Design
F/Nazca Saatchi&Saatchi
CCO: Fabio Fernandes | Creative Director: Theo Rocha, Rodrigo Castellari, Leonardo Claret | Art Director: Rafael Rosa, Isabelle de Vooght | Copywriter: Marcelo Rosa | Film Production: YourMama | Director: Ale Cassulino | DoP: Pepe Mendes | Audio Procuction: LOUD